As you may have heard, the Census has been extended (by federal court order) until October 31. Several states are having a hard time getting residents to respond to the census and distrust of the government and COVID-19 concerns have been cited as two of the reasons.
Below are a few things you may not have known about the Census procedures and safety precautions.
Census takers will wear masks and follow public health guidelines when they visit.
Census takers will maintain social distance of 6 feet ormore, will not enter homes, and will conduct interviewsoutside as much as possible or practical.
Census takers take an oath to keep individualresponses strictly confidential.
The Census Bureau does not share your information with ICE or any law enforcement agency. Your information is safe and secure.
If you haven’t responded to the Census for any of these reasons or for no reason in particular, you can still respond without ever needing to meet a census taker. Just visit or call 1-844-330-2020 to respond today.
You can read more about the purpose of the Census and why we do this every 10 years here.
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